Christ Lutheran Church is now signed up for online giving through Tithe.ly.
You can still give your offering in the plate at church and by mail, this is just another way to give.
Tithe.ly online giving comes packed with features, some of which include:
- One-time and recurring gifts.
- Support for funds/designations (eg. General Fund, Missions, etc)
- Option for donors to “cover the fees” when giving.
- Giving with an account or without an account.
- Giving to multiple funds at one time when using your Tithe.ly account.
- Works on desktop, laptop, tablet and smart-phones.
- Support for Apple Pay and Google Pay.
- Give by ACH (bank), debit, or credit card.
Simply go to Tithe.ly link below or download the app and set up an account.
It walks you through a few simple steps and your ready to go!